Victor MORARU, Tatiana SOCOLOV Catedra Jurnalism
The article approaches one of the most actual missions of mass media, that of reflecting and supporting the processes of democratic participation, the mobilization of society for solving the emerging problems. These concerns, together with the approach of issues of national and international level, integrate in the mass media strategy oriented towards the highlighting and stimulating the local participative practices. In fact it is a consequent and scrupulous mass media activity of promoting new values. Centered on supporting positive moments in developing local initiatives, mass media attention is directed towards the search of new ways of optimizing social interactions, towards the implication of citizens into identifying and solving the problems communities face, towards unleashing the creative energy of citizens and finally towards the consolidation of the elements of participative democracy. The appearance of a specific type of journalism named “community journalism” (public or civic) is justified in this context. The authors are concerned with determining the identity of the community journalism, which represents a resource capable of boosting the development of communities.