Diana CUCOŞ Institutul de Istorie, Stat şi Drept al AŞM
Nowadays, one human being out of 35 is an international migrant and the total number of migrants is estimated at
185 million worldwide. They are a vulnerable group in the society, often unable to know and assert their rights. While
skilled migrants enjoy full protection of their human rights in the country of transit and destination, unskilled and
undocumented migrants confront a problematic situation. As one of the largest vulnerable group, migrants have special
protection needs. The United Nation’s International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers
and Their Families came to addresses the human rights spectrum of migration, including the rights of irregular migrants.
It doesn’t create new rights, but it extends to migrants the rights set forth in other United Nation’s documents. Protection of
the rights or all migrant workers and their families take two forms: through diplomatic protection and the human rights
treaty system.