Tatiana BORDEI Institutul de Sociologie, Filosofie şi Ştiinţe Politice al AŞM
The multiple and diverse transformations which happen in the political world have their impact on the steps made by specialized scientific communities to review different hypotheses, theories that were considered more than a scientific Decalogue till recently. Continuing this idea it would be possible to rationalize the discussion of such a pretentious subject like the right-left political cleavage. The cleavage between the letf-right remains in agenda of scientific and political media, every time specialists trying to determine the line of demarcation between these two terms of the political vocabulary. The subject investigated in presented is a contradictory “disappearance” of the cleavage, relativity and permeability of the limits between two terms of the political syntax. The tendency to establish a parting line to separate the left from the right is welcome, taking into account that there is a necessity to clearly distinguish these two notions, a line which is used successfully by the political parties to settle along.