Vladimir Gh. GUŢU*, Maxim GORGAN**, Dumitru GUŢU * Ministerul Agriculturii şi Industriei Alimentare ** Agenţia Naţională de Dezvoltare Rurală Catedra Teoria şi Istoria Dreptului
Based on the interdisciplinary study, the authors of the article have considered agricultural land consolidation activities fulfilled in Moldova in the recent years. In the introduction a general description of land reform in Moldova which took place in 90s is given. Problems and side effects which have not been appreciated from the very beginning comprise mistakes committed during the privatization process and the excessive fragmentation of land as a result of land reform. The methodology and concept of land re-parceling pilot projects implemented in 6 villages in 2007-2009 is described. The study presents the results of the pilot projects, formulates general recommendations and conclusions regarding the optimization of land consolidation / re-parceling procedures and gives recommendations concerning the improvement of the existing legal framework. The results of the pilot project have demonstrated the viability of applied methodology and served as the basis for continuation of land re-parceling activities in other 40 villages. Numerous quantitative and graphic examples provide the opportunity to observe a decrease in the fragmentation level in participating localities. Sociological questionnaires used in different land consolidation projects are also present as well as the specially elaborated questionnaire which will eventually be used for study on land consolidation.