Vitalie PÎRLOG Institutul de Istorie, Stat şi Drept al AŞM
Through the creation an expression of a person of his ideas, thoughts and considerations takes place. Such an expression is made by the means of scientific, artistic and cultural works and objects, the thoughts this way being materialized in life. So the freedom of conscience and expression are put in life by creations made by people. There are multiple national legal instruments which in a detailed way regulate the specific domain of the freedom of creation in many aspects, such as the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the Law on the rights of the author and connected rights, the Law on trade marks and origin titles of goods, the Law on protection of industrial drawings and models etc. All national and several international legal instruments are directed to prescribe in the best manner the complex object and distinct characteristics of the freedom of expression in order to assure the highest level of its protection and guaranteeing. What about the right to information, the majority of people adopts a position that the century we live is a century of diverse and abundant information. In fact, the international recognition of the right to be informed was one the initial interests of the UN, which included this right in the text of fundamental acts devoted to the protection of human rights and basic freedoms. National legislator also recognized the major role of the right to information, developing a distinct legal field in order to regulate and protect it in a better way, with the prescription of certain restrictions necessary and allowable in a democratic society.