Nicolae BADAN Catedra Economie Generală şi Relaţii Economice Internaţionale
The interests of member-states regarding this organization knew a considerable increase along with coloured revolutions from the Ukraine and Georgia and the change of Moldova towards the West. The collaboration perspectives of Moldova with the Union of G.U.A.M. are rather vague. This is, firstly, because Moldova’s relations with any international country apart have been too much polarized. It is necessary for Republic of Moldova to impose some alternations in the basic foreign political documents, including the univocal declaration of European integration as a major strategic objective of Moldova. One may diminish the provocations caused by the foreign involvement, especially from the part of the Russian Federation only by common efforts. The implication of O.S.C.E., E.U. and the U.S.A. at the passing points according to its modern rules and standards could assure an efficient solution to the problems of the Union of G.U.A.M. members.