Sabina LUCA Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei
The changes that have occurred in recent years in the economic structure of the country have impacted considerably on local government. Thus, Moldova has already passed since the beginning of the independence of the state, two territorial-administrative structure reforms. But the same question remained, however, in both cases – the local financial autonomy. A solution to it would be decentralization. This process is based on the transfer of responsibilities from the central to local government, having as basis the financial support needed to make it practical. Seen in the light of the financial aspect, decentralization is based on a number of fiscal instruments, political and administrative. These instruments determine the level of decentralization, delegation or transfer of powers. It is clear that the importance of the above processes determine, first, the ability and power of local government (local government) to resolve and manage the law, under its own responsibility and in their favor, an important part of public affairs.