Natalia CĂRBUNE Catedra Teoria Economică şi Metodologia Cercetării
The economic cooperation between countries started in the postwar period, including countries from all corners of our globe, both developed and developing. From one zone of the world economy to another, there are differences in terms of the starting moment of the integration, the rhythm of its evolution, its concrete forms and manifestations and, especially, the achieved results. There is no doubt that the “public window” of the states integration is the European Union founded in February 1992. The Maastricht Treaty that was concluded by the 12 countries and came into force after ratification on November 1, 1993 marks the consolidation of the European integration process. The European Community received the official name of the European Union. Being aware of its world importance from the economic and commercial point of view, the European Union uses its influence in its own interest and in the interest of others as well.