Alexandru CAZACU Catedra Limba Română, Lingvistică Generală şi Romanică
The highest sign of the power and of the authority was always the crown (indifferently of from what material it is made, vegetal or mineral). Unlike other coverings, the crown is not just a simple sign, but it becomes a symbol also. Her place on the top of the head is giving her an impending signification; it comprises not only the values of the head, the peak of the human body, but also the values of what is above the head, a gift that comes from heavens: it marks the transcendental character of a filling. Its circular shape shows the perfection and the participation at the heaven’s world, which symbol is the circle, it joins all that is above and under of the crowned person marking, however, the limits that, in anybody else, separates the terrestrial from heavenly, the human from divine: a reward of an attempt, a symbol of victory, the crown is a promise of an immortal life, like of the gods.