Vasilica Magdalena SOMEŞFĂLEAN Universitatea „Al.I. Cuza”, Iaşi
Influencing attitudes, behaviours and values, television is considered one of the greatest „educators”. As proved by vast research conducted in many countries, children tend to expose to advertising as to any other television shows, watching it with eyes confort, without making the difference, hence the increased predictability of a direct impact of advertising on the childish spirit and behavior. Even before walking, talking, reading or writing, children are considered a first target for advertisers, as they represent three valuable markets: buyers’ market, influence market and future market. The aim of this paper is to highlight the mechanisms through which children are influenced by TV advertising, as they have a fairly significant purchasing power, which makes them play a purchaser, more or less autonomous, depending on their age. Keywords: TV advertising, children, influence, pester-power, marketing, brand.