Tudor BRAGARU, Valentin BRICEAG, Viorel MALCOCI, Valeriu GALAICU Universitatea de Stat din Moldova Precizați semnificația cuvintelor și veți izbăvi omenirea de o parte considerabilă a derutărilor sale. René Descartes
Nowadays, worldwide, there are a lot of similar terms, such as information security, informational security and cybersecurity. But could these terms be replaced by each other or are they different? Nationwide, many people encounter major difficulties in understanding and correctly applying these terms, which, depending on context, can be sometimes considered synonyms or can be different by meaning, tasks, functions, impact or coverage. The paper aims at leading to a better understanding and awareness of this terminology, being useful for a wide range of users with educational activities (pupils, students, teachers, PhD students) and/or people engaged in informational and/or information security activities. Keywords: information security, informational security, cybersecurity, information system security, ICT security.