Elena NIREAN* , Boris COREȚCHI *Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Since the last decade of the last century up until now, the Republic of Moldova faces a strong flow of population migration. Citizens of the Republic of Moldova, often young people who are able to work, go abroad either because of poverty or lack of prospects in search of a better life and a better paid job abroad. There are many disputes about population migration and its consequences for the country and for families. Some consider migration to be seen as a process that needs to be managed well, others see migration as a problem to be solved. Experts point out that about one third of the active population has already left the Republic of Moldova. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, at the beginning of 2017 the average population was 3.550.000 people, which is 2.2 thousand people less than it was in 2016. Uncontrolled, illegal immigration in recent decades has become one of the most current problems for the Republic of Moldova. In recent years, investigations have been made on emigration, including emigration of labor. At the same time, the problem is not deeply studied and requires a complex research into the promotion of migration policy. The aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of emigration and to estimate economically its impact on the economic situation in the Republic of Moldova. Keywords: emigrants, migrants, migration, living standard, natural growth.