Elena PETREANU Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
In the current conditions of the development of economic entities, there is a considerable increase in the role of the audit in ensuring the correctness and transparency of the reporting of their financial position and performance. At the same time, the outbreak of major financial scandals contributed to rethinking the essence and role of audit, resulting in the development and implementation of new audit standards. Taking these facts into account, it is important to determine the actual aspects of the auditor's responsibility within the audit engagement, as well as his responsibilities for reporting the results of the engagement. The present study encompasses a complex examination of the auditor's responsibility through the lens of national and international regulatory acts and trends in the evolution of auditing. Also, based on public interest entities from the Republic of Moldova, an empirical study was conducted, within the activities, the reports of the independent auditor were examined through the lens of communicating the key aspects of the audit. The obtained results cover the current state of the reporting of key audit aspects by the audit firms in the country.
Keywords: auditor, audit mission, audit report, communication of key issues, interested parties.