Александр ОНОФРЕЙ, Анастасия ДЕМЧУКОВ Кафедра маркетинга и международных экономических отношений


  • USM ADMIN Studia Universitas Moldaviae


Comunitatea mondială a intrat în secolul XXI, care se caracterizează prin globalizarea mondială şi intensitatea pro ceselor integraţioniste, procese ce determină nu numai poziţia ţărilor, dar şi viziunile oamenilor. Istoric, infrastructura ţărilor Comunităţii Statelor Independente (CSI) s-a format ca sistem unic, prioritate ce permite realizarea principiului transportului unic şi infrastructurii informaţionale, precum şi deplasarea încărcăturilor şi pasagerilor. Situarea geografică a ţărilor CSI e caracterizată prin căi scurte aerene, maritime şi terestre, care leagă ţările europene cu ţările asiatice. Folosirea în comun a potenţialului transportului de tranzit oferă posibilitatea reală pentru realizarea coridoarelor de transport de mari dimensiuni. Scopul principal constă în formarea condiţiilor egale şi favorabile pentru realizarea transportărilor auto internaţionale şi comercializarea serviciilor de transport auto între ţările CSI, precum şi integrarea dinamică a transportului auto al ţărilor CSI pe piaţa mondială a serviciilor de transport.

The world community has entered the 21 century marked by new global processes and challenges that will determine the destiny of particular people, countries and the whole mankind. Integration processes of different intensity occurring in the world now are neither a fashion, nor a zigzag of history, or a form of trade expansion. The previous period of the functioning of the Commonwealth of Independent States has shown the appropriateness of developing regional economic integration within the space of the former Soviet Union, and confirmed the importance of deepening integration processes aiming at meeting as much as possible the national interests of the member-countries. The close and eager cooperation of the CIS countries based on the universally accepted regulations and principles opens new horizons before our countries for addressing economic, social and humanitarian challenges. One of the key tasks of the integration of the CIS member countries is an increase in the productive efficiency using the advantages of the interstate labour division, specialization and teamwork in manufacturing, creation of favourable conditions for further growth of the national economies, formation of a harmonized rule-of-law space based on international standards. This is the way to guarantee the growth of compete tiveness of the CIS member-countries, and of the Commonwealth as a whole in the modern world. In order to promote integration processes in specific areas and to consolidate the Commonwealth as an effective regional economic association it is necessary, without any delay, to take steps towards overcoming the problems that are difficult but quite solvable by joint effort with a view provide mutually advantageous conditions of the functioning of the transport sector and enabling this powerful factor of encouraging production and the growth of public welfare in the CISA countries.

Биография автора

USM ADMIN, Studia Universitas Moldaviae

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