Liliana POSȚAN Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă”
The research problem of this article contains three variables from the research domains – language and communi- cation, education, psychology. The aim of the study is the stability of the particularities of the specific communication of teens in relation to informal education. We began the investigative discourse by clarifying the meaning of the nouns development and transformation, with reference to teenagers, and the sociolects slang, being only the socio-emoti- onal background of the disorienting dilemma inherent in the period of teen. The informal education as a form with maximum openness of education is capitalized on non-specific principles. During the studies, we did not resort to the development of any method of tempering the communication of teenagers through slang or jargon, especially within the informal subculture. But, we resorted to the phrase disorienting dilemma; it constitutes the first of the teen phases of transformation. Therefore, we recommend the application of the model of transformative learning ,,through which the subject transforms already formed frames of reference to make them more inclusive, discriminating, open and reflective, so that they can generate beliefs and opinions that would prove to be truer or justified in guiding actions.”
Keywords: informal education, non-formal education, formal education, teenager, slang, jargon, subculture.