Igor EVTODIEV Catedra Meteorologie, Metrologie şi Fizică Experimentală
In this work photosensors based on CaSe specially undoped and doped with Cu (0.05% at. – 0.50%at.) are characterized at normal temperature using the electric photoconductivity spectrums. Photoresistors based on monocrystalline GaSe fi lms are photosensible in the energy interval from 1.8eV to 5.2eV. Polarization sensibility of the GaSe, GaSe:Cu (0.5%at) photoresistors was specially investigated at every circularly polarized wave length. Are raised the curves of relaxation of the photocurrent through the GaSe and GaSe with 0.1%at of Cu samples with light impulses with a duration of ~1.2·10-6 s. In the absence of X radiation characteristics I-U for roentgen resistors of GaSe<Cu> are virtually linear. At the growth of the X radiation dose (radiation: Cukα : λ =1.514 Å, I=1.6 mA, U=45kV ) in the GaSe<Cu (0.05%at.)>, characteristics I-U are sublinear which indicates the growth of the concentration of the defects in GaSe crystals together with the growth of the radiation dose. In this work is demonstrated the possibility of elaboration of the roentgen resistors and spectral and polarization based on layered GaSe photoresistors.