Людмила КУХАРСКАЯ Кафедра экологии, ботаники и лесоведения
The work is dedicated to an actual theme nowadays – studying a group of special sinanthropical local plants, which are named ruderal. The plants of this group grows due to the human’s amplifying influence on the environment, and nowadays the weeds problem has become global. The most vigorous ruderal species adapt easily and quickly enough to ecological conditions on the degradated territory and, not colliding a serious apposition from the man, they can spread on ruderal degradable biotopsis and course harm to the human health and to the municipal economy. In this article are expanded the results of a miscellaneous studying of ruderal plants which have been discovered around railways and stations in Chisinau area. The upshot of the researches, which were done, the weed species the growing area, the biological forms, the time of blooming and the character of the distribution in dependence from human’s influence.