Maria SURUCEANU Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei
The educational practice shows the flexible behavior of school teaching staff in connection with analytical message of content of their activity. In this case its very important the favorable auto-presentation in co-relation teacher-teacher by adequate utilization of pedagogical language. It involves the selection, transmission, reception, content valuation of arguments in the pedagogical relation. The results of formative action of pedagogical action-cognitive, affective, beha- vioral - are the validation prove of quality of professional intervention. The action paradigm of pedagogical language produces the consecutive transition from action of terminological conceptualization, experience transmission, the re- commendation formulation, the interpretation of pedagogical facts, analysis and synthesis of product shown by extension and intensity of language, the development of professional values, the regulation of professional behavior, the change of cognitive-professional and the choice of improvement types, all these are as a goal of teacher professional legitimation.