Mihai ŞLEAHTIŢCHI Catedra Psihologie Aplicată
The existence of the social representatives is organically liken to the phenomenon of objectification. The phenomenon concerned, as it has not demonstrated a single time, conveys a psycho-mental type of activity that transforms the concepts of familiar images, “materializes” abstractions, and reproduces the notions in the iconic style. Without this phenomenon it would have been impossible, under the impact of an informational pressure, to simplify and grasp under the consciousness control the existent social objectives. Obviously, it is impossible for the human intellect to objectivate/externalize the whole information – as a rule, when we face something new, we tend just to extract some essential aspects of what we see. After selecting some essential elements out of a “multicolor” informational set, a “figurative scheme” is formed, i.e. ideas transformed into a grouping of familiar, common, or “informal” images, that approaches the cognition objective to the known subject. Keeping at first a certain connection to the theory it emerged of, the “figurative scheme” is gradually becoming independent, getting its own reality. Later we witness its “naturalization”, which actually represents a substitution of schematized objects and abstract interpretations with some concrete objects embedded in the reality. Something that was initially just a speculative approach, a mental equation that could be accessible to a limited number of individuals, becomes in time a public good and something accessible to all.