Viorel BULIMAGA Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS APPLIED TO ROAD SAFETY MANAGEMENT Alongside the use of decision support systems (DSS) to support managerial decisions in the organisation of production processes, the application of DSS plays an important role in addressing the management of public safety or emergency situations. We have studied the applicability of DSS in the field of traffic safety management, where it would be as a basis for managerial decisions, in order to optimize the cost-effectiveness ratio in the following segments: (1) Identification and classification of hazardous sectors on arterial roads, determining the method and terms of intervention in the design of road infrastructure in order to reduce the danger of these sectors; (2) Real-time support of drivers’ decisions based on internal (vehicle parameters) and external information (road infrastructure messages) to provide useful warnings or recommendations on potential hazards of the driving environment; (3) Assessment of the scale and classification of emergency situations in the event of road traffic accidents for the involvement of the workforce and resources of rescue services. Based on the examples studied, we found it possible to apply an artificial neural network for the comparison, standardization, and export of data from/in data tables with sets of variables and values of different formats (defined differently). This tool allows the practical implementation of a Decision Support System applied to solve unstructured problems, such as the export of data from the Automated Information System “State Register of Traffic Accidents” in the European Union's CADaS format. Keywords: road safety management, intelligent decision support system, dangerous sites, traffic accidents, safety benefits, driving risk estimation, emergency response, rescue services, manpower and resources, artificial neural network.